Dr. Wolfgang W. Göpfert
Dr. Wolfgang W. Göpfert
Certified Specialist attorney for intellectual property law
Lecturer SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg
(International Business and Corporate Law)
Languages: German, English, French
Telephone: +49 (0)621 – 12 64 60
E-mail: w.goepfert@masp.de
Vertreterversammlung des Versorgungswerks der Rechtsanwälte in Baden-Württemberg
GRUR e.V. (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright, Cologne)
Ingres e.V. (Institute for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Zurich, Switzerland)
INTA (International Trademark Association, New York, U.S.A.)
Background & Professional Career
1992 – 1996 Studied law at the Universities of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Toronto, 1st State Examination in Law;
1997 – 1999 Legal clerkship in Baden-Württemberg, 2nd State Examination in Law
1998/1999, Phillips Fox Law Firm, Adelaide, Australia
1999 – 2000 Business and management trainee program at Deutsche Post AG / DHL, Bonn.
2000 – 2012 Admitted to the bar, patent attorneys and attorneys at law Ullrich & Naumann, Heidelberg, partner since 2005.
2005 Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at the Institute for Information Law of the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg.
2007 Certified Specialist Lawyer in intellectual property law.
2012 Partner of MAS&P
2013 Lectureship SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg